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Woodpecker, AI-Powered Note-Taking and Reading Companion

Take control of your online reading and note-taking with Woodpecker - the all-in-one app that tags your links, summarizes long articles, and reminds you to read your memos. With AI-powered efficiency, never miss a beat and stay on top of your game.

Smart memos

Simplify Note-Taking and Reading with AI Technology

Take your note-taking to the next level with Woodpecker - the app that automates the tedious tasks of content extraction and tagging, so you can focus on what really matters.

Tagging Simplified
Effortlessly categorize your notes, links, and docs with Woodpecker's AI-powered content tagging. Save time and stay organized.
Topic Extraction
Makes organizing notes effortless by intelligently extracting topics and categorizing notes. The app identifies key themes and ideas automatically, helping you stay on top of your notes with ease.
AI Personalization
Learns your preferences as you use it. The more you work with it, the smarter it gets at serving up personalized tagging and topic extraction.
Smart Summarization
Automatically summarizes long content, making it easy to capture key points and important details.
Note Mastery
Our daily agenda feature ensures your notes are always top of mind, eliminating forgotten notes.
Integrations & Imports
Seamlessly integrate your favorite tools like Google Keep, Evernote, Notion, and more. Then reap the benefits of a personalized AI model that follows you across the internet.
Talk With Your Notes
Need help with your notes? Fire away! Chat using your notes, links, and documents to easily find what you're looking for.
Link Archive
Access your link content, even if the page is long gone.


Exclusive early-bird pricing

Join our waitlist for early access to get the packages at the price + 10% discount for 1 year.


Most popular

Level up your note-taking game with everything you need!


Join Waitlist
  • 250k monthly tokens for tagging & topic extraction (nearly 250 long articles)
  • Auto-tagging & topic extraction
  • Summaries of long pages and notes
  • Reminders
  • Integrations & Imports


Experience the ultimate note-taking solution with Woodpecker Premium.


Join Waitlist
  • Everything in the Pro, 500k monthly tokens in total (nearly 500 long articles)
  • Personalized AI model
  • Chat with your notes
  • Link archive
  • Support development

Enhance Your Note-Taking with Advanced Link Analysis

With our specialized crawlers, we've made it easier than ever to extract valuable tags and topics from the links in your notes. This feature not only saves you time, but it also optimizes your token usage, allowing you to get the most out of your subscription. Upgrade to our premium plan and take advantage of our advanced link analysis to enhance your note-taking experience.

Reddit logoMedium logoInfoQ logoGithub logoStackExchange logoProduct Hunt logoYoutube logoTwitter logo

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By referring your friend after signing up, you can get 10k tokens per friend!

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